Celia Rojas , PT

Celia Rojas is a Registered Physiotherapist and is available to heal all your muscle, joint, skin, nerve, pain issues and more.

Celia has a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Biology from University of Toronto followed by post-graduate studies in gerontology and then graduated from University of Vermont with a Master’s in Physical Therapy in 2004.

Soon after graduation Celia decided to wander throughout the United States. To be able to discover new cities and people she worked as a traveling physiotherapist. Working in a variety of different settings such as nursing homes, rehabilitation centres and home care, Celia was exposed to a great number of wonderful patients with a great variety of illnesses, disabilities and deficits to overcome. The work experience was enriching!

Celia currently works at St.Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, 13 years in Orthopaedics and Neurology, and now 2 years in the Kidney and Metabolism Program.

Celia has experience and training in post-surgical/post-joint replacement rehabilitation, pelvic physiotherapy, chronic disease, edema /swelling and chronic pain (Dermoneuromodulation).


As a graduate of the McMaster University Contemporary Acupuncture Program, Celia is rostered to use acupuncture as an adjunct to physiotherapy treatments.

She is also Vodder trained to perform Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Combined Decongestive Therapy to treat patients suffering from primary and secondary lymphedema as well as a number of other issues that involve edema or fluid retention in your body (i.e. post-surgical edema, venous insufficiency, scar management…).

Celia also uses Dermoneuromodulation techniques to reduce and eliminate pain. Particularly pain issues that have been difficult to resolve with more traditional methods of massage, pain meds and/or physiotherapy. It’s a pain-free manual technique that changes the way your brain processes touch and movement. A gentle, thoughtful approach based on the latest knowledge of pain science.

“I love my profession and enjoy helping others achieve a stronger, more confident body; To live life to the fullest; To return to activities that once filled your life with peace and happiness.”

Request an Appointment Today ! 

Energy Work and Energy Cleansing

I am a physiotherapist by trade but I love being able to help people in different ways. I’ve always been sensitive to people’s energies and the energy of souls that surround us. This type of work has come naturally to me.

I am a fearless, intuitive, sensitive and compassionate seer. I have been ridding unwanted spirits and negative energies from people’s homes since my youth. I can easily tap into my inner strength and innate gift to clear your home of weighted energy or lead lost spirits to their proper place.  Your home will feel light, bright, fresh and oh so empty – but in a good way. Ready to fill with all your love and comfort. The way home should feel. With confidence,  I can safely and effectively achieve your goal: to gently guide spirits to “cross over”, remove negative or unwanted energies and give you and your family peace at home. I have also performed energy cleanses to people’s work spaces, new homes, homes to sell, even antique or donated furniture. The positives to this type of cleanse are endless.

I also perform personal energy cleanses such as Reiki and Egg Cleanse.

Egg Cleanse is a common technique used by many people in my ancestral land of Peru and many other Central and South American countries. Limpieza con Huevo or Egg-Cleasing is a spiritual or energy cleanse that involves using a raw egg to remove fright, negative energies, traumas, or mal de ojo (evil eye). It is believed that the egg, being biological matter, can absorb negative energies like a sponge. And if great amounts of negative energies are absorbed, the egg will appear more white/opaque or “cooked” when the egg is cracked.  And yes, a reading, post-cleansing, can be done.

So if you or a loved one is feeling down, anxious, fearful or just not your usual self, this wonderful technique to heal your spirit will work for you.

It is especially wonderful for children who can be quite vulnerable to others peoples energies and feel so much. My son refers to an egg cleanse as “the magic egg”. He always feels better and so much more confident, less fearful, after I do this for him. If you would like to try an Egg Cleansing and/or Reiki Session you can book a session with me.

Contact me and we can discuss if Energy and/or Entity Clearing is for you.