Let’s welcome 2020!

The New Year is a lovely time to celebrate and spend time with friends and family. It’s also a good time to think back and ask yourself how you can make this year even better !

The wandering healer has expanded and we are ready to help you achieve your goals for this year and beyond.

We are firstly, a lovely caring group of health professionals who love their professions and helping others. We are also able to provide treatment in the comfort of your own home, virtually or in our home office. We typically have flexible schedules (providing many evening and weekend time slots) and direct billing if it’s an option with your private insurance.

Here are a number of ways we can help you:

Physiotherapy – for all your aches and pains, pre and post surgery, equipment training and home safety, PSW/family training, exercise programs. I also have personal interests and education in lymphedema (swelling) management , acupuncture and chronic pain (dermoneuromodulation – the most gentle approach to pain treatment).

Occupational Therapy – Samantha will help you improve on all aspects of Activities of Daily Living with special interest and education in Concussion Care and Recovery including vision- related issues, Sleep Hygiene, Scar Management with Microcurrent Therapy, and much more. An OTs scope of practice is wide.

PsychotherapyMazda, is registered psychotherapist with extensive Gestalt training and other approaches such as Mindfulness, Emotional Focus Therapy and Relational Life Therapy. Mazda is ready to work with both individuals and couples. We all could use a little help to be the best person we can be for ourselves and our loved ones.

Alexander Technique – Our talented Suzanne will help you learn to move more gracefully, more efficiently, more easily. Even standing or sitting still is work and she can change your life. Whether you’ve never recovered fully from an injury or bad habits have changed your posture or cause discomfort in movement, Suzanne will fine tune your body to a better you.

Registered Dietitian– Do you have questions regarding your health and food ? Who doesn’t! Our Dietitian, Helen, will guide you on how to provide your body with all it needs nutritionally, in particular those with chronic diseases.

Energy Work – do you feel heavy with negative energy, perhaps envious or unkind people around you are getting you down? I perform “egg cleanses” to rid you of negative energy, energy clearings for your home or work, and Reiki too. Egg cleanse are especially helpful for babies and children (even pets) who’ve suffered trauma. I also am able to clear spirits from your home (yup, you read that right – helping random spirits or loved ones cross over).

Health Navigator – Do you feel overwhelmed with how to manage your health or perhaps how to care for an elderly parent? Do you have difficulty figuring out our healthcare system or know what your your next steps should be? Several of us wandering healers have a great understanding of all the in’s and outs of our healthcare system. Let us help you understand these common questions: what resources are out there (OHIP versus private)? which type of specialists should I persist to see? How can I best prepare for doctors appointments? What are my care needs? When is a good time to start considering a nursing home ? Or How can I age at home safely ? Have a sit down with a health professional who can guide you and look out for your interests and needs.

Please feel free to contact me at:

Celia@wanderinghealer.com if you have any questions about our services or how we can accommodate you.

Book online

Or text / call me at (647) 409-8210

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!